A true central park: Doubling open space and connecting severed neighbourhoods

Central Station Park

A once in a generation opportunity to transform our city

Philip Vivian

Managing Director, Bates Smart

In response to the NSW Government’s Tech Central development, Bates Smart has proposed a revised redevelopment concept that better connects Surry Hills to Chippendale and provides world class open space and amenities in the heart of the city fringe.


Philip Vivian, Managing Director, shared the vision with The Sydney Morning Herald this week, unpacking the once in a generation opportunity to transform Sydney’s Central precinct. By relocating Prince Alfred Park over the railyards, the parkland is nearly doubled in size, and commercial development could be shifted to natural ground, reducing structural costs. The newly relocated park could provide a central open space between two areas of density – a true ‘central’ park, and a genuine pedestrian connector between Surry Hills and Chippendale. The potential also exists for extending park to the north and south along the rail lines creating a continuous north-south green spine.

Read the full article in Sydney Morning Herald.

State Government Tech Central vision VS Bates Smart Central Station Park vision
